NH-2700ce NH-2700T Nautilus Hyosung ATM  
  • Nautilus Hyosung NH 2700ce ATM

    Features and Specifications
  • call 888-336-4872 to purchase
  • UL291 Business Hours Vault, mechanical combination lock, electronic lock optional, Dip type card reader, IC Card Reader (optional), Anti-Skimming (optional)
  • 1,000 note removable cassette 1,000 note drawer (optional) 2,000 note removable cassette (optional) Can be upgraded to 3 cassettes. NH-2700T: 2000 note removable cassette upgradeable to three cassettes
  • 10.1" (inch diagonal) TFT LCD panel. NH-2700T: Rear supervisor panel (optional)
  • Microsoft® Windows® CE 6.0, electronic journal
  • 56,000 bps dial-up modem. TCP/IP. Most third party wireless devices will work with the NH-2700ce and NH-2700T series ATM
  • Additional Features •Flicker•LED Topper (optional)•15" LCD video topper (optional)•Audio jack•EPP Illumination•Speaker•Braille Keypad•Digital receipt•Electronic journal•Supports six languages Width: 15.7 inches Depth: 18.4 inches Height: 52.3 inches Weight: 265 pounds Exclusive to NH-2700T: Weatherized (water proof) 32F -104F temperature, Humidity 20-85%. Height: 72" Width: 21.5" Depth: 25.24" Weight 308 lbs.

NH 2700

Nautilus Hyosung NH-2700ce

One of the best looking ATM models we carry is the NH-2700 series from Nautilus Hyosung, the NH-2700 series ATM features the beautiful 10 inch display, and the directional button system surrounding the display. Model NH-2700T has a housing and is weatherized for outdoor use.

The NH-2700ce has a redesigned optional topper sign available.

This ATM is one of our favorites for eye appeal, high topper has been redesigned and is now optional. Extended warranty program can be renewed yearly up to four times.
Nautilus Hyosung offers the NH-2700 shell ATM designed for EMV upgrades.
The NH-2700 shell ATM is perfect for the ATM owner that has an ATM that cannot be upgraded to EMV, but wants to salvage their cash dispenser. Save hundreds off of an ATM if your cash dispenser unit is compatible with the NH-2700 shell.

Nautilus Hyosung NH-2700ce 2700T ATM

This machine is designed to provide more reliability than all other ATM machines that came before it. The NH-2700 is designed to be a workhorse in retail market locations with the highest amount of uptime, and minimum maintenance needs. You won't have to worry about replacing the parts or sudden breakdowns because the NH-2700CE is designed to run for a very long time, problem-free. With quality comes responsibility with regards to energy consumption. The NH-2700CE is equipped with various energy saving features like the low energy LCD screen. This ATM is made with long lasting parts designed with minimum implications to the environment. The NH-2700CE is designed with an open architecture platform allowing for easy future upgrades and module modifications. Modular design is one of ways in which Nautilus is trying to save customers' cost and provide maximum convenience. Modular parts can simply be unplugged and replaced. In most cases, an ATM owner should be able to repair their own NH-2700 machine by removing a couple of screws, plugging in the new part, replacing the screws, and it's fixed! No need for an ATM tech in most cases. Main features for this ATM machine include the large 10.1" color LCD screen. A large screen is appreciated by ATM users more than any other option. This monitor really stands out over machines we carry. If you can spend about $300 more than the 1800SE, we recommend the 2700CE mainly for the screen. Other features let you choose between a 1000 note drawer type dispenser or a 1000 note removable cassette type dispenser. Or, if you need it, an optional 2000 note dispenser is available. On the NH-2700T, the cash dispenser is a single 2000 note CDU with a capacity of three.

NH 2700ce

NH-2700ce ATM by Nautilus Hyosung

The Nautilus Hyosung model NH-2700ce is still new looking and has a gorgeous 10.1 inch display with tactile touch buttons. This is one of our favorite machines.

installed NH-2700ce ATM

This NH-2700ce was sold by ATMmachine.com to be installed in a covered outdoor area. The NH-2700T is water proof making it a better choice for outdoor installations like this.

Nautilus Hyosung NH-2700ce and NH-2700T

Nautilus Hyosung designed this LCD screen to be attractive yet highly functional. The tactile buttons on the NH-2700ce are easily seen in this photo.

close up of keypad on NH-2700ce

The NH-2700ce has many attractive features such as the LED light housing that illuminates the keypad with a soft light. It features a DIP type card reader, seen here as well.