The 8" monitor screen is an LCD type. It is bright, crisp, and viewable on sunning days. It is capable of custom advertisements. The Genmega G2500 has eight available advertising screens, these can be used to promote anything you want. It has a thermal printer, so there is no ink or ribbon, and paper is not a problem. We will send you a few rolls that should last a while. The G2500 has an optional 3" paper receipt printer that is also capable of graphics printing. Flexible dispensing options are offered by Genmega, including drawer, cassette, and multi-cassette devices. The Genmega G2500 series includes many features and options in the models they manufacture. The G2500 ATM series includes the G2500 base model featuring an 800 note non- removable cash dispenser. The G2505 ATM has a 1000 note removable cash dispenser system. The most popular Genmega ATM we sell is the G2505e. This ATM comes with the 1000 note removable cash dispenser and an E-lock upgrade. Base model G2500 ATM machines come standard with a spin dial combination lock that opens the cash vault. An electronic lock, or e-lock, speeds up accessing the vault area. The combination is entered using a number pad instead of manually spinning a lock back and forth a specified number of times.
The Genmega G2500 series ATM is step up from the G1900 series. The G2500 comes standard with a high resolution 8 inch LCD screen. An optional 10.2 inch touch screen is now available to Genmega G2500 customers.
Pictured above, this G2500 ATM is shown with the card reader highlighted. The G1900 has a swipe card reader. The G2500 has a DIP card reader. A debit or credit card is inserted into a DIP reader and swiped through a swipe reader.
Genmega is one of the first manufacturers to offer a touch screen option on it's line of ATM machines. Pictured is the standard 8 inch screen which is a high resolution LCD type display.
The Genmega G2500 series of ATM features the G2505. The photo of the ATM above is the Genmega 2505e. For a limited time, the G2505e is on sale at and comes with a 1000 note removable CDU and electronic lock.